febbraio 2nd, 2015

It is an odorless and colorless gas that is often found in our homes, constitutes the most important source of radiation in buildings and is very dangerous if inhaled.

It's a gas classified as carcinogenic, for its dangerousness is second to tobacco smoke as a cause of lung cancer.

Generated by some rocks of the Earth's crust, i.e. from the soil and building materials, spreads in the air and turns into other radioactive substances, These substances are used in hospitals for therapeutic use and then used for radiotherapy.

The soil is responsible for the 80% Radon in the atmosphere, the water of the 19% and other sources of only 1%.

It is about 8 times heavier than air and this characteristic tends to accumulate in confined environments and therefore also in homes.

From the ground up penetrate inside buildings, striking surface especially in the cellars, Underground spaces and basements, We must pay particular attention if the floors or walls in direct contact with the ground are shattered or built with tufa, pozzolan or granite.

To find out if your home is Radon presence there can be seen the concentration with a special tool called dosimeter.

The dosimeter is a small tool and provides an average value of radon concentration that there is in the air, is a tool that does not emit any substance or radiation.

The unit of measurement of the concentration of radon in the air is measured in becquerels per cubic meter (Bq/m³) where the Becquerel is the disintegration of a radioactive substance.

A study of Indoor Commission Ministry of health of the 1999, you derive the following data:

- Average Italian House : 75 Bq/m³

- 5-20% lung cancers

- On about 30.000 deaths/year for lung cancer by 1.500 to 6.000 cases are attributable to domestic Radon exposure.

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