March 1st, 2014


What is – Benzene (C6H6) It is a colorless aromatic hydrocarbon, liquid and flammable. It is used as antiknock gasoline, even in so-called "green". Benzene is present in the atmosphere is produced by human activities, in particular by the use of oil, mineral oils and their derivatives. The major source of exposure for the population comes from exhaust gas of motor vehicles, in particular petrol-powered vehicles; estimates made at European Union level attributed to this category of vehicles more than 70% of the total benzene emissions.

Method of measurement - The measures in the station located in the city of Turin were taken using a gas chromatographic system with continuous flame ionization detectors or Photoionization. The unit of measure by which are measured the concentrations of Benzene is microgram per cubic meter (µg/m3).

Damage caused - It was found that Benzene is a carcinogen for humans . With exposure to high concentrations, observe acute damage to bone marrow. Chronic exposure can cause leukemia (cases of this kind were found in workers in the manufacturing industry, the rubber industry and the oil industry). Estimates of the World Health Organization indicate that, faced with a 1 g/m3 exposure to Benzene for the lifetime, four people per million are subject to the risk of contracting leukemia.

Evolution - In recent years there has been a gradual decline in measured concentrations . This is due to the introduction of a limit to the benzene content in gasoline, 1%, introduced in July 1998, as well as the increase in the percentage of the total of those catalyzed circulating.

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